Project | Image Story

Post Apocalypse
Interior Public Building

      Faceless black shirts with large iridescent text, “CREW,” shimmer out of frame.  With mid-morning coffee, DP, Cy Gen, kneels stage right.  “…ummm…need dark then light—think tunnel, we move forward.”  Cy, cup in hand, points down the dark hall to the back of set.
     We hear, but don’t witness, the shuffling of feet and soft murmurings of first trial solutions.  A faint voice with timid candor suggests, “more windows,” is quickly followed by the eerie noises of zoo animals before feeding, the light echoes of power tools performing, and the wafting atmosphere of angels in descent.  Shadowy figures, once again, creep out of frame.  Cy appears into view nodding his head. “Yes, dark into light, we move forward.”

Image Story:
2 Paragraph
8 Sentence

Adhering to the 5 Elements of good storytelling, I answer who, what, when, where, and why.  When writing I think of the senses.  I am interested in sound and movement and I translate these ideas with letters that mirror light and fall into shadow.
Dark into Light

Dark into Light
